Squatting Links
Here are some articles and resources that we found interesting. Please send us links to articles that we should add to this page!
Denise Kaufman's "Squat Revolution" article in LA Yoga Magazine
Here's Dr. James Levine's NY Times article " Is Sitting a Lethal Activity?" (Mayo Clinic)
Why Longevity Experts Recommend Sitting on the Floor (Apple News)
The Forgotten Art of Squatting Is a Revelation for Bodies Ruined by Sitting
Neil Wagner in The Atlantic - Confirmed: He who Sits the Most Dies the Soonest
Check out Vicki Harding's interesting observations: Sit or Squat? Lessons from other cultures
NPR article by Patti Neighmond: Sitting All Day: Worse For You Than You Might Think
Catherine Pearson in The Huffington Post: Sitting: 6 New Reasons It's Bad For Your Health
Why Not Even Exercise Can Undo the Harm of Sitting—And What You Can Do About It